How to burn fat in 2020

How to burn fat in 2020

The human body is a wonderful machine and you can get it to do what ever you want. You just need to know how to use it. These easy tips will help you burn fat fast.

Go to bed earlier

It is important to sleep at least 7 hours a day. If you don't sleep enough, your body will be stressed and you will store more calories. Also, short sleep is associated with reduced leptin, elevated, ghrelin and increased body mass index. Basically, leptin is the chemical that tells your brain when you're full, when it should burning up calories and when it should create energy for your body to use. While you sleep, leptin levels increase telling your body you don't need energy. When you don't sleep enough, your leptin levels decrease and that can result in a constant feeling of hunger and a general slowdown of your metabolism.

Sleep deprivation also results in higher levels of gherlin - the hormone responsible for telling your brain when you need to eat, when it should stop burning calories and when it should store energy as fat. When you sleep, gherlin levels decrease because sleep requires less energy than awake does. When you don't sleep enough, you end up with too much gherlin in your system. As a result, your body thinks it's hungry and it needs more calories, and it stops burning those calories because it thinks there's a shortage.

A study in Finland examined sets of identical twins and discovered that in each set of siblings, the one who sleep less and was under more stress had more visceral fat.

Eat more protein

Your body needs protein to maintain lean muscle, otherwise when you lose weight, your body will take it from the muscle instead of burning fat. Protein can also increase post-meal calorie burn by as much as 35 percent. Protein also helps you stay full because it doesn't give sugar spikes. On the contrary, carbohydrates make you full when you eat them but they turn into sugar that make your glucose go up very fast and at the same speed it goes down again, resulting in a feeling of tiredness and hunger.

According to a 2006 article in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers found that the current recommended daily intake for protein (0.36 grams per pound of body weight) is inadequate for anyone doing resistance training, and recommended that women get between 0.54 and 1 gram per pound of body weight.

Drink Cold Water

According to a study carried out in Germany, researchers found that drinking 6 cups of cold water a day can up resting metabolism by approximately 50 calories daily. This might be a result of the work it takes to heat the water to body temperature.

Vary your calorie intake

When you vary your calorie intake every few days rather than eating the exact same amount of calories daily, you outsmart your metabolism and continue to burn fat.

According to Dr Jim Stoppani:

“Although in today's society good tends to be accessible and abundant, our bodies are designed to store as much energy as possible to prepare for times of scarcity. One way the body does this is by adjusting its metabolic rate based on calorie intake.

If you stick with the same calories every single day while dieting, your body will adjust by lowering metabolic rate to prevent you from burning off too much body fat. It's all about hormones.

When leptin levels are high, your metabolic rate stays high; when leptin levels drop, so does your metabolic rate.

When calories are low and steady, leptin levels fall and so does metabolic rate. Eating higher calories on some days and lower calories on others helps keep leptin levels up.”

Eat spicy

Capsaicin, the compound that makes chili peppers hot, can also speed up your metabolism. According to a study published in the Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology, eating about 1 tablespoon of chopped peppers (red or green) boosts your sympathetic nervous system (responsible for your fight-or-flight response). As a result, chili peppers can boost your metabolism by 23 percent.

Drink coffee or tea

You can also boost your metabolism by drinking either coffee or tea. Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant, and it can spike up your metabolism by 5 to 8 percent. As a result, your body burns about 98 to 174 calories a day. According to a Japanese study, a cup of brewed tea can raise your metabolism by 12 percent. The researches believe that the boost is caused by antioxidants called catechins found in tea.