Keep your white teeth after eating

Keep your white teeth after eating

As you check yourself in the mirror before exiting home, it really does put a spring in your step to witness a mouthful of white and well-maintained teeth flashing back from your reflection! So what are the key attributes of keeping those teeth in tip-top condition? Possessing a mouth containing clean and white-looking teeth is something most of us would aspire to. The reasons for this are twofold. Pleasant teeth make us look attractive – there is nothing more off-putting than a smile containing yellowing or non-existent teeth. Also, being fortunate enough to have white teeth is usually an indication that we are in good health, and is therefore a source of self-gratification.

Obviously one of the key factors that is going to influence the appearance of your teeth is what you actually put into your mouth. If you enjoy drinking red wine and black coffee, or smoking a number of cigarettes on a daily basis, then don't expect to be surprised when your teeth succumb to staining.

There are many other items that you can ingest that will also affect the colour of your teeth. A particularly nasty culprit is cola. Fizzy drinks such as cola contain, amongst numerous chemical additives, a lot of sugar. All these ingredients will have an adverse affect on the enamel coating of your teeth, making them more susceptible to discolouring. The same can be said for dark juices, as well as gravies and sauces.

A good rule of thumb is to consider the colour of whatever it is on your plate or in your glass. The chances are if it is dark prior to entering your mouth, there is every likelihood that it will cause a degree of staining.

So what can you do to counter the effects of ingesting dark material? If you must in babe on any of the aforementioned forbidden fruits, the obvious thing you can do is take steps immediately. The longer you leave your teeth untreated after a meal containing staining substances, the greater the timescale where your teeth will experience negative effects. Immediately after your meal, where possible, it would be ideal to rinse your mouth thoroughly with cold, fresh water.

For a more thorough treatment, there are bleaching agents that can be purchased over the counter from your local chemist, or from your dentist. Another recommended solution, although something not to everyone's taste, is to chew on sugar-free chewing gum. As well as removing the offending staining material from the interior of your mouth, this is excellent for producing a feeling of your mouth having been refreshed. Although gum can come in a variety of tastes, the best ones to go for are the traditional mint-flavoured versions.

Apples have been employed as a teeth-cleaning agent for a long period. They taste wonderful, but it is their crispy, juicy flesh that is great for giving your molars and incisors a good rinse. They are also conveniently popped into a pocket and can be eaten anywhere after you've had that enjoyable but dark coffee.